Remote Speech-Language Intervention, with the Participation of Parents of Children with Autism
Milene Rossi Pereira Barbosa, Fernanda Dreux Miranda Fernandes
Advances in Speech-language Pathology
The question about the possibility of identifying the best therapeutic approach for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has also been discussed in the literature. The intervention should be individualized, in order to involve the current level of development of the child and to identify the profile of the facilities and difficulties of each child. The families are constantly involved in complex and changeable context and are aware of the importance of access and participation to the
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... atment chosen, since that service delays can directly affect efficacy. In general, studies on language acquisition and development in autism focus on the child's communication, and some analyze the mother seeking to understand how the role of parents and caregivers influences the communication of the children with autism. Observing the importance of the active inclusion of parents in the speech and language therapy of children with ASD, a Distance Speech Therapy Intervention project, was developed that would allow language stimulation of a greater number of children and adolescents with autism. to disorders that are characterized by severe and invasive impairment in various areas of development, such as reciprocal social interaction, communication skills, and the presence of stereotyped behaviors, interests, and activities. The qualitative impairments that define these conditions represent a deviation from the individual's level of development, which affects their social, educational, and communication adaptation [2] . Autism is considered a behavioral syndrome with multiple etiologies, characterized by deficits in social interaction, visualized by the inability to relate to the other, usually combined with language deficits and behavioral changes. However, the table does not involve all areas of behavior in the same proportion and is considered to cause diffuse impairment [3, 4] . In Brazil, since 2012, a law was approved by the federal government that guarantees the rights of persons with autism: I-dignified life, physical and moral integrity, free personality development, security, and leisure; II-protection against all forms of abuse and exploitation; IIIaccess to health services and actions, with a view to the integral attention to their health needs, including the early diagnosis, although not definitive; the multiprofessional service; adequate nutrition and nutritional therapy; medicines; information that aid in diagnosis and treatment; and access to education and vocational education; to the dwelling, including the protected residence; to the labor market; social security and social assistance.