Teaching Musical Fiction

Marcin Stawiarski
2008 The Journal of Aesthetic Education  
Given the increasing interest in musico-literary studies and extended bibliographies of intermedial texts, it is necessary to reconsider the use of intersemiotic teaching materials. Musical fiction calls for a specific approach and requires specialized knowledge. But using musically inspired novels and short stories in the classroom along with musical materials proves an enriching experience. In my opinion, the importance of the role played by intermediality lies in the fact that it allows us
more » ... raise questions about textuality and literariness through contrastive analysis. It also seems to me that it is essential to broaden interartistic teaching materials by introducing musical auxiliary materials in literature classes on the same level as picture or film analysis.
doi:10.1353/jae.0.0027 fatcat:roikvyew4nf4henqfbmyomxmky