2022 Dialectologia  
The study aims to reveal lexical differences and phonological differences in Javanese in East Java Province. Data were collected from a sample of three regions, namely Banyuwangi, Surabaya, and Magetan. Banyuwangi was chosen because of its location at the eastern end of Java Island and directly adjacent to Madura and Bali Island. Surabaya was chosen because of its strategic location as the center of government as well as the Capital of East Java Province. Meanwhile, Magetan was chosen because
more » ... its location in the west end of East Java Province and directly adjacent to Central Java Province. This research is a quantitative one. The data were Javanese language used by adults in East Java. The research instrument was Nothofer questionnaire which was modified by Kisyani to be 829 glossaries of words/phrases. The results of the study revealed that 1) the most lexical of Javanese was in the western and eastern parts of East Java while the least was in the central government of East Java Province, Surabaya, 2) lexical differences in Javanese in East Java resulted in five dialects and two sub dialects, and 3) Phonological differences in Javanese in East Java produced seven speeches.
doi:10.1344/dialectologia2022.28.5 fatcat:3squgaym4ncxnj4nifi5rvj2da