Product Innovation Development in The Creative Industries Aren Handicraft in Jember Regency Tutul Village

Tri Palupi Robustin, Khoirul Ifa, Neny Tri Indianasari, Fetri Setyo Liyundira, Wahyuning Murniati, Ninik Lukiana, Deni Juliasari
2021 IJEBD (International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business Development)  
Purpose: The purpose of this research is how the process of developing product innovation in aren handicraft. Design/methodology/approach: This type of research uses descriptive methods with a qualitative approach. Researchers use the model developed by Urich & Eppinger for the product innovation development process. Findings: The results showed that in phase 5 (Production Ramp Up) workers were able to produce new products from hyacinth raw materials and wood waste with a variety of
more » ... Research limitation/implications: The Research is limited to aren handicraft in Village Tutul Jember. Practical implications: This research can be used as a guide for several interested parties, namely lecturers, students and the craft industry Originality/value: This Paper is original Paper Type: Research paper
doi:10.29138/ijebd.v4i6.1530 fatcat:5jvqcpiljrbx7ksjqqsqu54fny