Gabriela Beatriz SIA, Pedro França da Costa SOARES, Martinho Antonio GESTIC, Elinton Adami CHAIM, Francisco CALLEJAS-NETO, Everton CAZZO
2018 Arquivos de Gastroenterologia  
BACKGROUND: Cystic lesions of the pancreas represent a group of pancreatic diseases with great histological heterogeneity, varying from benign lesions, some of them with malignant potential, to overt malignant lesions. OBJECTIVE: To describe the cases of cystic lesions of the pancreas which underwent surgical intervention at a tertiary university hospital. METHODS: This is a retrospective population-based study (historical cohort) which was carried out enrolling individuals attended at the
more » ... tient service of Pancreas Surgery of the Hospital de Clínicas of Unicamp. The individuals underwent surgical procedures performed from January 2012 through December 2016. RESULTS: In the period evaluated, 39 cases of cystic lesions of the pancreas which underwent surgery were identified, 26 (66.6%) of which were female. The average age at diagnosis was 47.4±16.4 years (range, 18-73). In regards to symptoms, 35 (89.7%) were symptomatic. The average length of hospital stay was 10 days (range 4-76). Surgeries performed to treat the lesions depended on the localization and type of the lesions: cystojejunostomy (41%), distal pancreatectomy (36%), pancreaticoduodenectomy (15.4%), drainage of ruptured and/or infected pseudocyst (5.2%) and central pancreatectomy (2.6%). CONCLUSION: Cystic lesions of the pancreas are a group of lesions with a highly varying presentation and diagnostic approach and may require an also highly variable surgical treatment. An appropriate preoperative imaging diagnosis is essential for their management.
doi:10.1590/s0004-2803.201800000-89 fatcat:4r5s6qixv5brnfmb7gjduezsky