Effect Of Adaptation Gain On System Performance For Model Reference Adaptive Control Scheme Using Mit Rule

Pankaj Swarnkar, Shailendra Jain, R.K Nema
2010 Zenodo  
Adaptive control involves modifying the control law used by the controller to cope with the fact that the parameters of the system being controlled change drastically due to change in environmental conditions or in system itself. This technique is based on the fundamental characteristic of adaptation of living organism. The adaptive control process is one that continuously and automatically measures the dynamic behavior of plant, compares it with the desired output and uses the difference to
more » ... y adjustable system parameters or to generate an actuating signal in such a way so that optimal performance can be maintained regardless of system changes. This paper deals with application of model reference adaptive control scheme in first order system. The rule which is used for this application is MIT rule. This paper also shows the effect of adaptation gain on the system performance. Simulation is done in MATLAB and results are discussed in detail.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1073486 fatcat:bofflimxjjgbboec2zqsbe7wta