The Influence of Brand Image Perception, Facility Perception, And Nursing Service Perception On Consumer Decisions Through Customer Satisfaction Using Health Services at RSI PKU Muhammadiyah Tegal

Sugiarto Sugiarto, Ahmad Hanfan, Roberto Akyuwen
2022 Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Law, Social Science, Economics, and Education, MALAPY 2022, 28 May 2022, Tegal, Indonesia   unpublished
Generally has often been argued that customer satisfaction can contribute significantly to a company's success in a variety of ways. This study aims to analyze the effect of brand image, facilities and nursing service on consumer decision and customer satisfaction. The method of data collection is convenience sampling. The samples of this research are collected from 100 respondents, who are the customers in one of the biggest hospital in Tegal. The technique of data analysis used in this study
more » ... as regression analysis. The result is: the relationship between brand image, facilities and nursing service have a significant and positive impact toward consumer decision and customer satisfaction.
doi:10.4108/eai.28-5-2022.2320427 fatcat:eqc3q2yimbfvdjenmilgkwhz34