Dr Premila, K Kanna
2015 Asia Pacific Journal of Research   unpublished
Sleep is an important need for people to be both physically and mentally healthy spending long period of time in sleeplessness has a negative effect on an individual quality of life. Objectives: 1. To assess the level of sleep pattern among the college students. 2. To assess the level of academic performance among the college students. 3. To find relationship between sleep pattern and academic performance among the college students. 3. To find association between sleep pattern among the college
more » ... students with selected demographic variables. 4. To find association between academic performance among the college students with selected demographic variables. Material and Method: Descriptive study weighted sample of 30 students and simple random technique was used. Result: In this study finding sleep pattern shows that 21(70%) had poor sleep pattern, 9(30%) had good sleep pattern. Level of academic performance shows that 16(53%) had poor academic performance, 13(43%) had average academic performance, 1(4%) had good academic performance and there was positive relationship found between sleep pattern and academic performance.