Recognition of Numeric Strings with Notation Rules Using String Checking

Katsumi Marukawa, Kazutoshi Takakura, Taro Hayashi, Masashi Koga, Yoshihiro Shima
1994 IAPR International Workshop on Machine Vision Applications  
At1 algorithm ,for recognizing nutvreric strings with notation rules by using string checking has been developed. The proposed string check function removes extraneous characters from recognized character strings by using the notation rules. This function also determines whether to carry out recognition error correction. In this correction process, recognized characters are compared with string in a dictionary. Errors in character strings are autotnatically corrected to meaninRfu1 letters by
more » ... ng the notcltion rules and dictionary. The string space of the dictionar.~ to be compared is restricted based on the notation rules; this reduces processing time. The string characters. These systems that recognize such strings as an 1. D. code as a numeric string are thus unsuitable. These strings should be read as a word. The above tasks needs to be solved by utilizing sources of notation rules and a dictionary. We propose a string check function that removes extraneous neighboring characters from recognized character strings based on notation rules. It also determines whether error correction is required. Correction is done by comparing recognized character strings with strings in a dictionary. This function was determined to be effective by conducting experiments using a sample set of 3.983 input pages. check function improved the string recognition rate from 98.5 % to 99.7 %. and decreases the error rate by 98 %. Numeric String Itnportant nteanirrgful strings, such as I.D. codes. written in a &)main with neighboring characters can be recognized in recil titrre /,?I using this crlgorithm.
dblp:conf/mva/MarukawaTHKS94 fatcat:m6qgld3uqngn3hdyvvldv26b4u