Υπηρεσιοστρεφής πλατφόρμα συλλογής και ανάλυσης δεδομένων μεγάλης κλίμακος σε περιβάλλοντα υπολογιστικών νεφών [article]

Konstantinos Dalkafoukis, National Technological University Of Athens, National Technological University Of Athens
In the era of Big Data, Cloud Computing is particularly popular as organizations, companies and ordinary users use such infrastructures for data storage as well as computing power. To ensure the reliability and the improvement of the offered services, the monitoring of cloud infrastructure is essential. Due to the huge amount of data that produce this kind of infrastructures, modern techniques required to analyze the data and extract useful knowledge for the administrator. The scope of this
more » ... is is the development of a platform for monitoring cloud infrastructures by the infrastructure administrator. Initially, we study the concepts of Cloud Computing, Big Data and NoSQL databases. We analyze the tools and the technologies that were used and their reasons for choosing. Following is the analysis of the platform architecture. Finally, the platform is implemented within the laboratory infrastructure and results of this experimental procedure are presented. This thesis presents the complete code of the platform as well as the configuration of the tools used.
doi:10.26240/heal.ntua.12686 fatcat:sdv7ha6tmva7paobnn4gefysuq