Modeling and force analysis of drum devices based on the geometry of the material segment

V Teruchcov, A Cupschev, V Konovalov, Yu Rodionov
2019 Journal of Physics, Conference Series  
The aim of the research is the numerical simulation of the drum mixer operation, including the identification of geometrical indicators of a material pile in a rotating drum for conducting the force analysis and determining the expended power. The influence of the required performance of the drum device on the parameters of its container with regard to the filling degree is determined analytically using the mixer as an example. The functional model of the central angle of the material segment
more » ... the filling degree of the container is established. The expressions for the parameters of a material segment in a rotating container are revealed. They allowed for determining the torque and power consumption of the drive based on the power analysis. The graphic material of changes in the calculated indicators in the modeling process is presented.
doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1278/1/012012 fatcat:f77itvlmufeibckcd4vjiotbim