Analysis of gamified software tools and platforms

A. Tokzhigitova, Л.Н. Гумилев атындағы Еуразия ұлттық университеті, Нұр-Сұлтан, Қазақстан, M. Tokzhigitova
2021 Bulletin of the Karaganda University. Pedagogy series  
The article provides an analysis of gamified software tools, taking into account the need to clarify the concept of "gamification" in the educational process and the features and principles of this concept. All types of software tools with the ability to gamify learning are divided into groups: game platforms, educational quests, training management services, and game development sites. Within each group the most common platforms in the foreign and domestic educational environment are
more » ... . In the modern educational environment there is an increased interest in the use of digital games to improve the quality of learning, which determines the relevance of the proposed research on the analysis of software tools with the possibility of gamifying the educational process within the requirements of the state, society and education. The use of digital tools during the coronovirus pandemic has become a daily necessity in the lives of students. Gamified software tools facilitate the achievement of educational goals, thanks to the clarity of gamification reflect the capabilities, type of thinking, logical abilities of an individual student. The article analyzes several game platforms and educational quests, on the basis of which the method of gamification of the learning process will be further improved. The research methodology requires the study of information sources of psychological, pedagogical, methodological and technical orientation, the analysis of digital educational games of foreign and domestic authors recognized by the scientific community.
doi:10.31489/2021ped2/98-104 fatcat:pkmpbihal5fvtahnz4n3nckfva