Quantitative X-ray Microanalysis Of Submicron Carbide Formation in Chromium (III) Oxide Rich Scale

K Collins, M Ziomek-Moroz, G Holcomb, P Danielson, A Hunt
2007 Microscopy and Microanalysis  
This paper discusses the chemical microanalysis techniques adapted to identify the precipitates that form on the surface of, or within, the oxide scale of a Fe-22Cr ferritic steel during exposure to a carbon-monoxide rich environment at 750C for 800 hours [1] . Examination of oxidized test coupons revealed the presence of a fiber like structure at the surface, shown in figure 1. Other studies have reported that these structures are carbon precipitates [2] .
doi:10.1017/s1431927607076763 fatcat:c2f2iga5c5h3nn253lbf42j5ya