The Property of σ(600) and Chiral Symmetry(Recent Developments in QCD and Hadron Physics)

Muneyuki Ishida
1997 Soryushiron Kenkyu Electronics  
113 introduction Chiral symmetry and its breaking play a central role in understanding low energy hadron dynamios. The iso-singlet scalar a-particle appears as a chiral partner of Goldstone T-boson in the linear representation of chiral SU(2)L × SU(2)R group. Its existence has been suggested from va rious points of view[3], however, not approved [1] for long years since of the negative results of the analyses of rT-scattering phase shift [2]. We heve reanalyzed the S-wave rT , phase shift by a
more » ... ew method of S-matrix parametrization, interfering Breit-Wigher Amplitude (IA-method), and shown[4, 5] the existence of a light isosinglet scalar meson, a(600). Other recent works also suggest the a-existence [6] . in this talk to investigate whether this a(600) is really a chiral pa rtner of T or not, its property is compared [7] with the predictions of linear a model (LaM). Furthermore, results of a sirnila[r investigation on existence of K particle, to be!ong to a-meson nonet, is also reported. Tr phase shaft and esistence ofa(600) as a partner ofr We analyze[4, 5] the TT phase shift below 1 GeV, supposing a simple case of elastic scattering through 2-resonances (a, fo(980)), In treating multi-resonance scattering, it is necessary to pararnetrize S-matrix in conformity with unitarity. In IA-method S-matrix takes a multiplicative form of individual ,Breit-Wigner resonance S-ma;trices, SR, as
doi:10.24532/soken.95.4_d148 fatcat:atglhz5bfbavbe44qn7lyld6li