Softening Induced Instability of a Stretched Cohesive Granular Layer

Hector Alarcón, Osvanny Ramos, Loïc Vanel, Franck Vittoz, Francisco Melo, Jean-Christophe Géminard
2010 Physical Review Letters  
We report on a cellular pattern which spontaneously forms at the surface of a thin layer of a cohesive granular material submitted to in-plane stretching. We present a simple model in which the mechanism responsible of the instability is the "strain softening" exhibited by humid granular materials above a typical strain. Our analysis indicates that such type of instability should be observed in any system presenting a negative stress sensitivity to strain perturbations.
doi:10.1103/physrevlett.105.208001 pmid:21231266 fatcat:ghziwbjunndcxgw25g5u2zg2qu