Estimation of Body Stature Using Fore Arm Bone (ULNA) – A Cross Sectional Study

Rameswarapu Suma Babu
2015 Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research  
Background-Stature is natural heights of a person in an upright position. Estimation of body stature has a chief importance in the field of anthropometry and forensic science research. In this connection, I have made an effort to derive regression equation formula to estimate stature from length of ulnar bone in south Indian medical student population. Methods-This study was done on 120 medical college students of Telangana area of south india, with age between18 to 21 years. Every student
more » ... t and length of right and left ulna was recorded. The measurements were always taken at a fixed time between 9-10 a.m to eliminate diurnal disparity. Percutaneous ulna length will be measured in centimeters with the help of spreading calipers, by measuring the distance between the tip of olecranon process and tip of styloid process of ulna with fixed elbow and palm faced over opposite shoulder. The data was analysed statistically SPSS software version-20 for calculation. Results -The correlation coefficients for right and left ulnae in males are 0.735 and 0.737 whereas in females 0.672 and 0.674 correspondingly. The difference in mean length of ulna in males and females was statistically significant (P <0.001). Conclusion-The ulna length will help improved reliability in estimation of an individual stature in medico legal aspects and anthropometry evaluations.
doi:10.18535/jmscr/v3i8.48 fatcat:aum2viuxsjahdh64zlbbbd72kq