Herkunft und Zukunft von "Nostra aetate". Fünfzig Jahre nach der Konzilserklärung

Rudolf Kutschera, Achim Buckenmaier
Although the Council's declaration Nostra aetate has been absorbed by the magisterium, there are new challenges suggesting its acknowledgement and further development. The document's significance resides in its foundation on Romans 9-11 and in the fact that it has been promulgated at all, in spite of enormous resistance in the years ahead. No. 528 from the Catechism of the Catholic Church rises up out of various official statements with respect to this topic: The three wise men from Jesus'
more » ... any are typical representatives of the pagan religions who have to turn to the Jews in order to receive "from them the messianic promise". This insight corrects a romanticizing pluralism of religions as it becomes manifest in the terminology of the three "Abrahamic religions". A further development of Nostra aetate should include two aspects: Overcoming the narrowing down of Judaism and Christianity as a "religion" without refeRence to realities like "the land", and, secondly, deepening the theological understanding of the referral of Christianity towards Judaism, particularly in connection with the term "People of God".
doi:10.24425/snt.2016.123859 fatcat:4ssb7lqxnndejhmc5cbf6ubkye