Babu Darshan, Pampanna Gouda
International Journal of Research in Ayurveda & Pharmacy   unpublished
Ayurveda the ancient Indian life science aims mainly on svastha-rakshana rather than vikara-prashamana. In classics acharyas have explained concepts which would help in svasthya-rakshana, wherein lies the concept of Trayopasthambha, Aahara, Nidra and Brahmacharya. Aahara is explained first and is given utmost importance as aahara is the energy supplement, thus called as prana for all creatures. All creatures thrive from Aahara; it brings about Bala, Medha, Svara, Varna and Jeevana. Aahara is
more » ... led as Arogyakara because it is said to be the cause of stability for all the living being and proper administration of which also brings about disease-free state. Life cannot be sustained without aahara even endowed with medicine thus aahara is also called as mahaushada. The positive effect of aahara is bestowed when it is taken with due care, following the dietic principle by giving importance to hita-kara, ahita-kara and satmya aahara. Intake of proper quality and quantity of food with respect to the Prakruthi, Agnibala, Desha and Satmya is important. In this paper an attempt is made to throw light on the concept of Aahara, its importance, hita aahara with special reference to desha.