Voice Based Email System having features of a Chatbot

Prof. Ila Sawant
2019 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
This paper aims at developing an email system that will help even a native visually empaired person to use the services for communication without previous training. The system will not let the user make use of keyboard instead will work only on mouse operation and speech conversion to text. Also this system can be used by any normal person like the one who is not able to read. The system is completely based on interactive voice response which will make it user friendly and efficient to use. In
more » ... his paper we describe the voice mail system architecture that can be used by the blind person to access emails easily and efficiently. The contribution made by this resource has enabled the blind people to send and receive voice based email messages in their native language with the help of mobile device. The application uses 'text to speech' and voice recognizer to facilate sending, reading, forwarding and replying to emails using an android smart phone. The application provides a secured platform by including an additional feature of applock for accessing the application, which is designed considering the convenience of blind person.
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2019.4198 fatcat:hjeptge4ifcdfm6ynot2yqmg4q