Evaluation of sonographic findings in partial thickness tears of the rotator cuff of the shoulder

Junko YAMAGUCHI, Masao KUROKAWA, Motoyuki HORII, Kazuyuki SENPO, Yasusuke HIRASAWA
1997 Katakansetsu  
The subjects were 45 patients(32 males and 12 females)with partial thickness tears of the rotator cuff ranging in age from 15 to 75 years(mean 39.2 years)who underwent operation after sonographic examination. The injuries were bursal side tear in 20 shoulders, articular side tear in 20, and intratendinous tear in 5. Ultrasonography(US)was performed with a 7.5-MHz linear scanner. Measurements were made in both long and short axis scans. The changes in the echogenicity of the rotator cuff layer were evaluated and
doi:10.11296/katakansetsu1977.21.2_215 fatcat:ml6pvrhdnnbe3jonk3zrngragq