The Effectiveness of the Quantum Method on Student Ability in Making a Creative Book

Sukirno Sukirno
2021 Proceedings of the 1st International Seminar on Teacher Training and Education, ISTED 2021, 17-18 July 2021, Purwokerto, Indonesia   unpublished
The aim of the study is to find out (1) the application of the quantum method in learning to write creative books in universities, (2) the form of creative books written by students after obtaining creative writing lessons using the quantum method, (3) the number of titles in each creative book that students make, (4) the ability of students to develop their respective creative book building elements, (5) the ability of students to develop the structure of their respective creative books, (6)
more » ... pressions when writing creative books, and (7 ) the obstacles experienced by students in writing the creative book. The quantum method is very appropriate to use for learning to write. With three parameters, this method can produce 90 titles of creative books by PBSI students. The three parameters of the process are context, content, and grafting steps. Context is applied in language that can suggest students, uses multi-media, and varies classroom management. The content is adjusted to the essential competencies and achievement indicators. The TANDUR steps are: Cultivate students' understanding and interest, Experience, Name, Demonstrate, Repeat, and Celebrate. Of the 90 titles of creative books by students, they consist of 63 titles of poetry anthologies, 16 titles of short stories collections, four titles of collections of personal experiences, three titles novels, one identification of a group of fairy tales, 1 title of a bookmaking shadow puppet, 1 title of a face painting book, and 1 title of a collection of love letters. In one semester, every student who writes an anthology of poetry, if on average, can register between 51-60 titles of poetry. On average, he writes short stories such as there are five titles, the average person experience is 15 titles, the average novel is 12 stories, 51 love letters, ten fairy tales, four chapters of shadow puppets, and face painting there are six chapters. Overall, students have been able to develop creative works based on their building elements. Students can structure the book well. By the quantum method, 25% of students are imaginative in writing creative books, 22% of students are more creative, 16% of students like to pourput ideas into written form, 16% of students have a sense of pride, 4.4% of students can increase their income. Constraints felt by 25% of students find it difficult to develop ideas that are stopped in the middle of the road, 22% of students find it difficult to relate the theme and flow of content, 16% of students do not understand how to make a good book, and 16% of students often deviate from the article.
doi:10.4108/eai.17-7-2021.2312150 fatcat:j2tdcsn3cnfcvdd6tzpjvt5htq