Non-Dental glass fiber impregnation on flexural strength of fiber reinforced composite

Nilasary Rochmanita Suparno, Siti Sunarintyas, Muhammad Kusumawan Herliansyah
2018 Majalah Kedokteran Gigi Indonesia  
ABSTRAK Ketersediaan E-glass fiber dental untuk restorasi fiber reinforced composite (FRC) di Indonesia terbatas dengan harga relatif mahal, sehingga glass fiber non dental digunakan sebagai alternatif. Glass fiber non dental memiliki komposisi yang hampir sama dengan E-glass fiber dental. Salah satu parameter penting untuk kekuatan FRC adalah impregnasi fiber dengan resin. Fiber sulit berimpregnasi dengan resin yang memiliki viskositas tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh
more » ... impregnasi glass fiber non dental menggunakan resin bis-GMA dan TEGDMA terhadap kekuatan fleksural FRC. Bahan yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah glass fiber non dental (CMAX, China), resin bis-GMA (Sigma-Aldrich, USA), dan TEGDMA (Sigma-Aldrich, USA). Sampel 3 kelompok perlakuan terdiri dari FRC dengan fiber tanpa impregnasi, FRC dengan fiber terimpregnasi (bis-GMA:TEGDMA=4:1) dan FRC dengan fiber terimpregnasi (bis-GMA:TEGDMA=1:1) (n=12). Ketiga kelompok diuji kekuatan fleksural berdasarkan ISO 10477. Sampel direndam dalam akuades dan disimpan pada suhu 37 °C selama 24 jam sebelum uji kekuatan fleksural. Hasil yang diperoleh dianalisis variansi satu jalur dan post hoc LSD. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rerata kekuatan fleksural terendah (116,16 ± 15,87MPa) pada kelompok FRC dengan fiber tanpa impregnasi dan tertinggi (151,32 ± 23,74 MPa) pada kelompok FRC dengan fiber terimpregnasi (bisGMA:TEGDMA=1:1). Analisis statistik menunjukkan impregnasi fiber memberikan pengaruh signifikan (p< 0,05). Kesimpulan penelitian adalah impregnasi glass fiber non dental menggunakan resin bis-GMA dan TEGDMA dapat meningkatkan kekuatan fleksural FRC dan FRC dengan glass fiber non dental terimpregnasi (bis-GMA:TEGDMA=1:1) memiliki kekuatan fleksural paling tinggi. Kata kunci: glass fiber non dental; impregnasi fiber; kekuatan fleksural ABSTRACT: Non-Dental glass fiber impregnation on flexural strength of fiber reinforced composite. The availability of dental E-glass fibers for Fiber Reinforcement (FRC) restoration is limited in Indonesia with relatively high cost.Therefore, non-dental glass fibers have been used as an alternative material. The composition of non-dental glass fibers is almost the same with dental E-glass fibers. An important parameter responsible for the strength of FRC is the impregnation of the fibers with resin. Reinforcing fibers are difficult to impregnate with the resin systems of high viscosity. The aim of study is to assess the effect of non-dental glass fibers impregnation using bis-GMA and TEGDMA resin on the flexural strength of FRC. The materials used in the study were non-dental glass fibers (CMAX, China), resin bis-GMA (Sigma-Aldrich, USA) and TEGDMA (Sigma-Aldrich, USA). Three groups of samples consisted of FRC with non-impregnated fibers, FRC with impregnated fibers (bis-GMA:TEGDMA=4:1) and FRC with impregnated fibers (bis-GMA:TEGDMA=1:1). The three groups were tested to determine flexural strength according to ISO 10477. The samples were stored in aquadest at 37 °C for 24 hours prior to flexural strength test. The results were analyzed by one way ANOVA with LSD post hoc test. The results of study showed that the lowest mean of flexural strength (116.16 ± 15.87MPa) was FRC with non-impregnated fiber and the highest mean (151.32 ± 23.74 MPa) was FRC with impregnated fiber (bis-GMA:TEGDMA=1:1). The statistical analysis showed that fiber impregnation had a significant effect (p< 0.05). It can thenbe concluded that non-dental glass fiber impregnation using bis-GMA and TEGDMA resin could increase the flexural strength of FRC and FRC with the impregnated fibers (bis-GMA:TEGDMA=1:1) that had the highest mean of flexural strength.
doi:10.22146/majkedgiind.17137 fatcat:7krkr7mod5dhjpj2gde4ho3wuu