Curcumin and Extract of Plantago major, L Increased SPF Value of Cold Cream Base

Nining Sugihartini
2010 ISCC (Indonesian Journal of Cancer Chemoprevention)  
Octyl methoxycinnamate as the active material of the sunscreen would be degradated after being exposed to the sunlight. Curcumin, rice flour and the extract of Plantago major, L was the material that could function as the sunscreen. The aim of this research was to know the SPF value and the physical characteristics of cream of the sunscreen with the active material octyl methoxycinnamate after the addition of the optimum composition of curcumin and the extract of Plantago major, L and the
more » ... m composition of rice flour and the extract of Plantago major, L.In this research three formulas was examined, i.e. the formula I with the active material octyl methoxycinnamate, the formula II with the active material octyl methoxycinnamate and the optimum composition curcumin and the extract of Plantago major, L, Formula III with the active material octyl methoxycinnamate and the optimum composition rice flour and the extract of Plantago major, L. SPF value of each formula was determined by using the Petro method (1981) using UV spectrofotometric method at a l 290 nm-320 nm. The physical characteristics i.e. the power spread, the adhesiveness and the viscosity were also examined analysed with Anova one way at a confidence level 95%. Result of the research show that SPF value increased after the addition of the optimum composition of curcumin and the extract of Plantago major, L. The physical characteristics of cream of the sunscreen do not change after the addition of the optimum composition curcumin and the extract of Plantago major, L and the optimum composition rice flour and the extract of Plantago major, L.Key words: Octyl methoxycinnamate,curcumin,flour rice,extract of Plantago major, L,sunscreen
doi:10.14499/indonesianjcanchemoprev1iss1pp43-47 fatcat:yiybgjqw5bczbhm7xmrjupunie