Quality and Sustainability Criteria in Purchase Decisions of Teenagers

H. Ostad Ahmad Ghorabi
2012 International Journal of Fundamental Physical Sciences  
The raising sustainability awareness of consumers has brought the discourse about environmental impacts of products into pulic discourse. Industry has had to respond to this demand for sustainable products. Among the different customers groups, teenage rs play a considerable role: Sustainability is particularly important for the younger generations. Children and teenagers of today are going to have to cope with the consequences of negligence of previous and current generations in protecting the
more » ... environmental and social situation. It is thus important to understand how children and teenagers perceive the problem, and how they will act as consumers in the future. This paper discusses a project where teenagers were surveyed to find out about the importance of sustainability and quality aspects of products. Electronic entertainment products and clothing products were considered as it is assumed that teenagers mostly spend their pocket money for these two branches of products.
doi:10.14331/ijfps.2012.330024 fatcat:nbrpxhi3dndepkveehkwjopxdu