Background Cutout with Automatic Object Discovery

David Liu, Tsuhan Chen
2007 2007 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing  
We present a novel approach to background cutout for image editing. We show how background cutout can be achieved without any user labeling. This is in contrast to current methods, where the user needs to label each image separately. Our method uses automatic object discovery methods to provide location and scale estimates of the object of interest; these estimates then provide seeds for initializing color distributions of a segmentation algorithm. We show that our approach can achieve similar
more » ... erformance as traditional methods that require users to specify for each image a bounding box of the target object.
doi:10.1109/icip.2007.4380025 dblp:conf/icip/LiuC07 fatcat:fw23zhrfgzezlbihfbugj2kwjm