The South African Optometrist

D Akunyili, E Ikonne
2007 unpublished
Cola nitida Linn (Sterculiaceae) is an economic plant widely distributed throughout West Africa and possibly other parts of Africa. Members are malvalves because of their lobu-lar nature. Because of its ubiquity, the plant plays an important role in commerce, and in social activities where it is casually eaten without prescription or restriction. The ethno-pharmacological effects of bolus ingestion of 30g of Cola nitida was investigated on visually acute and healthy volunteers in order to
more » ... ine its ocular implications or effects. Results showed that Cola nitida had no effect on the pupil diameter, visual acuity and intra-ocular pressure but improved the near point of convergence by 43% and increased the amplitude of accommodation by 11% while existing heterophorias are ameliorated. The stimulating effect of Cola nitida might overcome asthenopic symptoms with convergence insufficiency and allows near work to be done without stress. Somnolence and ocular muscle imbalance common features of the elderly can be ameliorated or relieved.