Self care practices of menstrual hygiene among adolescents school going girls in Amassoma Community, Bayelsa State

Adika Adika
2013 International Journal of Nursing and Midwifery  
Self care practices as well as menstrual hygiene are basic requirements for promoting a satisfied life and personal esteem in a woman. It is therefore necessary to investigate the self care practice of menstrual hygiene among female school going adolescents who have attained menarche in Amassoma community, Bayelsa State. A survey was designed with systematic sampling which involves selection of girls from government and private secondary schools. A total of two hundred and nine (n = 209)
more » ... s participated in the study after the aim of the study was explained, and their consent obtained. A carefully constructed questionnaire was administered to the related classes. Results indicated that adolescent's girls have an average level of self care and menstrual hygiene, even though age and educational status did not significantly impact on the effect of self care practice and menstrual hygiene. This therefore calls for more education about this special aspect of these adolescent school girls' life and reproductive life.
doi:10.5897/ijnm2013.0102 fatcat:4oxtmpt6r5hpjpz24ntqrif3ya