G Mohana Krishna, M Hemanth Kumar, M Asha Kiran
2014 International Research Journal of Pharmacy  
Aims of the present work include 1. Qualifying anti-cancer activity of PK-11195 particularly apoptosis inducing effect on Evi1 expressing 3T3-L1 adipocyte cell lines. 2. Identifying the role of Ca III as an antioxidant in Evi1 expressing 3T3-L1 cell lines. 3. Defining the relation of PK-11195's pro-apoptotic activity to its reported inhibitory action on mitochondrial ATPase. Cell Viability was measured by MTT assay. Apoptosis and caspase activation was measured by caspase 3/7 Glo assay. Western
more » ... blotting was used to identify protein expression and oxidative stress was measured by Glutathione Reductase assay, Superoxide dismutase assay and Lipid Peroxidation assay. The concluding point that could be made as the results infer is that, by directly inhibiting mitochondrial ATPase PK-11195 induces oxidative stress hence apoptosis in Evi1 expressing 3T3-L1adipocytes and this sensitivity of 3T3-L1-Evi1 cells is due to the loss of carbonic anhydrase III (Ca III) in those cells.
doi:10.7897/2230-8407.050337 fatcat:yyjrfebz75gwlgvin7xj7hjyna