85:oral The EQ-5D-5L OPUF survey: quantifying health priorities on the individual person level using compositional preference elicitation techniques

John Brazier, Nancy Devlin, Paul Schneider, Ben van Hout
2022 BMJ Global Health  
Introduction The goal of universal health coverage (UHC) demands that everyone has access to basic healthcare. Human capital is the single most important investment in achieving UHC. According to World Bank's human capital index, Tanzanian's child potential is only 40% as he/she reaches 18 years versus 84% in Singapore. So, what eats away 60% of the child's potential? Methodology We gather and synthesize the intellectual contributions from participants of the 7th and 8th Tanzania health Summit
more » ... ith a focus on the UHC and the role of human resources in achieving UHC. The discussions were recorded and key points extracted, validated, and re-structured for coherence and for policy brief publication. Results The country needs to invest in the two aspects: first, increasing adolescent and child health nutrition, which will improve school attendance and increase their cognitive ability. Adolescence health will increase labor and productivity and also reduce fertility rate and child mortality. Second, improving adult health and nutrition increases access to natural human resources, improves the economy, and increases investment in physical capital which will lead to a large and effective labor force pool. In addition, the government must focus on the public health promotion and prevention domain, also the need for a responsive health system architecture that will focus on equity, innovation, and resilience. Discussion In this perspective, strengthening human capital in primary healthcare is critical, and it should include a system shift to equity in accessing healthcare. Also a shift to execution by adopting technologies that will enhance accountability, like direct healthcare financing mechanisms in the country. And lastly, a shift to the primary healthcare efficiency by empowering people and communities, multisectoral policy and action, and improved integrated health services.
doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2022-isph.88 doaj:43ae2db7270d45ee992897fedbaf3f68 fatcat:ygohymhimvcqdb3q27bbcwg7ia