Work Passion: Theoretical and Empirical Studies

Jian ZHANG, Yahui SONG, Lan YE, HOCINE Zakaria
2014 Advances in Psychological Science  
Work passion plays an important role in workplace and individual life, and receives increasing concern. However, theoretical understanding, systematic reviews, and integrative models of research on work passion are lacking. In this article, we reviewed the existing research on work passion and presented a theoretical model systematically. The concept of work passion can be understood in three aspects according to different levels of specificity in study scope: in general level, in
more » ... field, and in specific entrepreneurial work context. This term includes three factors: affect, cognition and intention. Four main models related to work passion were discussed: the Dualistic Model of Passion, Conceptual Model of Employee Work Passion, Conceptual Model of the Experience of Entrepreneurial Passion, and Conceptual model of passion contagion. The empirical studies explore the work passion in source, outcomes, and influence mechanism. At last, we built on extant models and fragmented work to propose an integrative model of work passion, which could provide a systematic idea to work passion study.
doi:10.3724/sp.j.1042.2014.01269 fatcat:aarish6kw5ba5j7pz2ncvcdakm