Geological Survey of Canada Soil Database

Roger McNeely
1996 Radiocarbon: An International Journal of Cosmogenic Isotope Research  
The Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) has developed, over the past decade, a user-oriented database, Date Locator File, of Canadian samples dated by the 14C technique. This database presently contains >3500 soil and soil-related dates. The primary category in this suite of dates is peat, as a large portion of the Canadian landscape is covered with this type of organic soil. The data is available gratis to all researchers in a large variety of formats from simple lists to complex tables for
more » ... clusion in publications. The site localities can also be plotted on base maps suitable for publication. The database is actively augmented on an ongoing basis, but to continue to be relevant, it depends largely on the altruism of the scientific community.
doi:10.1017/s0033822200017641 fatcat:jpuixp2g65d67bsyygqfdsirwi