Growth of a supersymmetric bubble: Inhomogeneity effects

L. Clavelli
2005 Physical Review D  
In a dense star, the Pauli exclusion principle functions as an enormous energy storage mechanism. Supersymmetry could provide a way to recapture this energy. If there is a transition to an exactly supersymmetric (susy) phase, the trapped energy can be released with consequences similar to gamma ray burst observations. Previous zeroth order calculations have been based on the behavior in a prototypical white dwarf of solar mass and earth radius (such as Sirius B) and have neglected density
more » ... geneity. In this article we show that the effects of density inhomogeneity and of variations in masses and radii are substantial enough to encourage further exploration of the susy star model. In addition, the effects discussed here have possible applications to the growth of bubbles in other phase transition models in dense matter.
doi:10.1103/physrevd.72.055005 fatcat:pi7rdczi5fhofbcxwyycrpd3ne