Let's Talk About 'My' Concept Map: Use of Dialogue to Enhance Concept Mapping

Roshan Lamichhane, Amber Simpson
2018 The Hoosier Science Teacher  
The intersection of dialogue and concept map use is explored through this qualitative study. An introductory chemistry classroom for middle or high school students explores the combined effect of these two evidence-based teaching strategies. Following the lesson, students participated in a focus group to provide feedback on the lesson's use of discussing their concept maps. The results of that feedback and ideas for improvement and how to utilize this strategy in your own classroom is
more » ... Although this method may pose it's own unique set of challenges in the classroom, student understanding of basic foundational chemistry concepts was advanced.
doi:10.14434/thst.v41i123006 fatcat:fkk64rgkejaunncll5kew27d7m