Optimization of Spin-Wave Propagation with Enhanced Group Velocities by Exchange-Coupled Ferrimagnet-Ferromagnet Bilayers
K. An, V.S. Bhat, M. Mruczkiewicz, C. Dubs, D. Grundler
Physical Review Applied
We report broadband spectroscopy and numerical analysis by which we explore propagating spin waves in a magnetic bilayer consisting of a 23 nm thick permalloy film deposited on 130 nm thick Y_3Fe_5O_12. In the bilayer, we observe a characteristic mode that exhibits a considerably larger group velocity at small in-plane magnetic field than both the magnetostatic and perpendicular standing spin waves. Using the finite element method, we confirm the observations by simulating the mode profiles and
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... dispersion relations. They illustrate the hybridization of spin wave modes due to exchange coupling at the interface. The high-speed propagating mode found in the bilayer can be utilized to configure multi-frequency spin wave channels enhancing the performance of spin wave based logic devices.