Investor attention and idiosyncratic risk in cryptocurrency markets

Shouyu Yao, Xiaoran Kong, Ahmet Sensoy, Erdinc Akyildirim, Feiyang Cheng
2021 European Journal of Finance  
We explore the impact of investor attention on idiosyncratic risk in the cryptocurrency markets. Taking the Google Trends Index as the measure of investor attention, we find that investor attention can significantly reduce cryptocurrencies' idiosyncratic risks by increasing the liquidity. We further study possible cross-sectional variations of the effect of investor attention on idiosyncratic risk. Evidence shows that the investor attention effect is more pronounced for smaller-cap and younger
more » ... ryptocurrencies. Moreover, a relatively stable external market environment and rising market state are conducive to the further play of the attention effect.
doi:10.1080/1351847x.2021.1989008 fatcat:ocs2lq7tobdqtjwjzfhwybwuyu