تحلیل محتوى کتب الریاضیات بالمرحلة الثانویة فی ضوء مهارات التفکیر الریاضی بالمملکة العربیة السعودیة

هیثم بن مداوس سعید الشمرانی
2018 مجلة تربویات الریاضیات  
‫ِغٍخ‬ ‫اٌش٠بػ١بد‬ ‫رشثٛ٠بد‬ -( ‫اٌّغٍذ‬ 12 ( ‫اٌؼذد‬ ) 8 ) ٛ١ٌٛ٠ 1028 ‫اٌغضء‬ َ ‫اٌضبٟٔ‬ 032 ‫اٌزفى١ش‬ ‫ِٙبساد‬ ‫ػٛء‬ ٟ ‫اٌضبٔٛ٠خ‬ ‫ثبٌّشؽٍخ‬ ‫اٌش٠بػ١بد‬ ‫وزت‬ ‫ِؾزٜٛ‬ ‫رؾٍ١ً‬ ‫اٌغؼٛد٠خ‬ ‫اٌؼشث١خ‬ ‫ثبٌٍّّىخ‬ ‫اٌش٠بػٟ‬ Analysis of the content of mathematics books in the secondary stage in the light of mathematical thinking skills in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ‫اػذاد‬ ‫اٌشّشأٟ‬ ‫عؼ١ذ‬ ‫ِذاٚط‬ ‫ثٓ‬ ‫٘١ضُ‬ ‫اإلعالِ١خ‬ ‫عؼٛد‬ ‫ثٓ‬ ‫ِؾّذ‬ ‫اإلِبَ‬ ‫عبِؼخ‬ ‫اٌزؼٍ١ُ‬ ‫ٚصاسح‬ -‫اٌغؼٛد٠خ‬ ‫اٌؼشث١خ‬
more » ... ّّىخ‬ ِ ‫ثؾش‬ ‫شز‬ ‫ِب‬ ‫سعبٌخ‬ ِٓ ‫ك‬ ‫عغز١ش‬ ‫ِغٍخ‬ ‫اٌش٠بػ١بد‬ ‫رشثٛ٠بد‬ -( ‫اٌّغٍذ‬ 12 ( ‫اٌؼذد‬ ) 8 ) ٛ١ٌٛ٠ 1028 ‫اٌغضء‬ َ ‫اٌضبٟٔ‬ 033 ‫اٌّغزخٍض:‬ ‫حٿيٍحٓش‬ ‫ييٳض‬ ‫حٿََخُٟخص‬ ‫ٻظذ‬ ‫ٳٍ‬ ‫حٿََخٍٟ‬ ‫حٿظٴټَُ‬ ‫ڃهخٍحص‬ ‫طىحٳَ‬ ‫ىٍؿش‬ ‫ط٬َٱ‬ ‫اٿً‬ ‫حٿڄطهؾ‬ ‫ٳٍ‬ ‫حٿظلڀُپ‬ ‫أٓڀىد‬ ‫حٿزخكغ‬ ‫حٓظويځ‬ ‫حٿيٍحٓش‬ ‫أييحٱ‬ ‫وٿظلٸُٶ‬ ‫حٿؼخنىَش‬ ‫ٿڀڄَكڀش‬ ‫ٻظذ‬ ‫ٳٍ‬ ‫طىحٳَيخ‬ ‫حٿُٗځ‬ ‫حٿََخٍٟ‬ ‫حٿظٴټَُ‬ ‫رڄهخٍحص‬ ‫ٷخثڄش‬ ‫رطخء‬ ‫وطڂ‬ ‫حٿىٛٴٍ‬ ‫٫ن‬ ‫ٛيٷهخ‬ ‫ڃن‬ ‫وحٿظؤٻي‬ ‫حٿؼخنىَش‬ ‫ٿڀڄَكڀش‬ ‫حٿََخُٟخص‬ ‫ڃن‬ ‫٫يى‬ ‫٫ڀً‬ ‫٫َٟهخ‬ ‫٣ََٶ‬ ( ‫٫ڀً‬ ‫حٗظڄڀض‬ ‫وحٿظٍ‬ ‫حٿڄلظىي‬ ‫طلڀُپ‬ ‫ر٤خٷش‬ ‫اٿً‬ ‫طلىَڀهخ‬ ‫ػڂ‬ ‫وڃن‬ ‫حٿڄلټڄُن‬ ٖٗ ) ( ‫٫ڀً‬ ‫ڃىُ٫ش‬ ‫غ‬ ‫ڃئَٗح‬ ٙ ‫وحٿزَيخڅ‬ ‫وحٖٓظٸَحء‬ ‫(حٖٓظطظخؽ‬ ‫يٍ‬ ‫ٍثُٔش‬ ‫ڃهخٍحص‬ ) ‫ػزخص‬ ‫ڃن‬ ‫حٿظؤٻي‬ ‫ور٬ي‬ ‫حٿڄط٤ٸٍ)‬ ‫وحٿظٴټَُ‬ ‫رخٿَڃىُ‬ ‫وحٿظ٬زَُ‬ ‫وحٿظ٬ڄُڂ‬ ‫حٿََخٍٟ‬ ‫طلڀ‬ ‫طڂ‬ ‫حٿظلڀُپ‬ ‫حٿؼخنٍ‬ ‫(حْوٽ‬ ‫ٛٴىٱ‬ ‫٫ڀً‬ ‫حٿڄٸٍَس‬ ‫حٿََخُٟخص‬ ‫ٻظذ‬ ‫ڃلظىي‬ ‫ُپ‬ ( ‫٫يىيخ‬ ‫وحٿزخٿٮ‬ ‫حٿؼخنىَش‬ ‫حٿڄَكڀش‬ ‫ڃن‬ ‫حٿؼخٿغ)‬ ٕٔ ‫ٿټظخرٍ‬ ‫وحٿؼخنٍ‬ ‫حْوٽ‬ ‫رـِأَهخ‬ ‫غ‬ ‫ٻظخرخ‬ ) ‫حٿڄجىَش.‬ ‫حٿطٔزش‬ ‫وكٔخد‬ ‫حٿظټَحٍحص‬ ‫وٍٛي‬ ‫حٿظڄخٍَن)‬ ‫(حٿ٤خٿذ‬ ‫اٌّفزبؽ١خ:‬ ‫اٌىٍّبد‬ ‫حٿََخٍٟ‬ ‫حٿظٴټَُ‬ ‫ڃهخٍحص‬ -‫حٿڄلظ‬ ‫حٿََخُٟخص‬ ‫حٿڄَكڀش‬ ‫ىي‬ ‫حٿؼخنىَش.‬ Abstract: In order to achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher used the analytical method of descriptive. A list of the mathematical thinking skills required in the mathematics books for the secondary stage was constructed and verified by presenting them to a number of arbitrators, (34) indicators, divided into (6) main skills: (conclusion, induction, mathematical proof, generalization, symbolization and logical thinking). After confirming the stability of the analysis, Mathematics Books Rapporteur of rows (I, II, III) of the secondary stage, of (12) books first and second Bdzoaha of my book (student, exercises), monitoring frequencies and calculate the percentage.
doi:10.21608/armin.2018.81610 fatcat:4q4cheguwrainoigrj74a46dde