SK. Khaja Muswareen, Sandhya Cole
2020 RASAYAN Journal of Chemistry  
CdOFePO 4 composite nanopowder (CNP) successfully prepared by the sol-gel method has been investigated by Xray diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) with Energy Dispersive X-ray diffraction (EDS), Fourier transforms infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy, Diffused reflectance spectroscopy (DRS). The XRD analysis confirmed the purity of the as-prepared CdOFePO 4 CNP and reveals the cubic crystal structure of CdO and amorphous structure of FePO 4 in the prepared sample. The lattice cell
more » ... ameters are also evaluated for the cubic phase of CdO. The ε and δ values for the synthesized CdOFePO 4 CNP are also calculated from XRD data. The morphology of the CdOFePO 4 CNP is evidenced as combined spherical agglomerations and rods as analyzed with SEM image and the Cd, Fe, P and O stoichiometry is revealed through EDS analysis. FT-IR spectra explored the existence of functional groups like PO 4 3-, chemical bonding and other fundamental modes of the host lattice. The application of the Kubelka-Munk function on obtained reflectance spectra resulted in the value of the optical bandgap energy of the prepared CNP for its probable usage as a semiconductor.
doi:10.31788/rjc.2020.1325684 fatcat:e6bcyf6hpbad3i5czpzs7vnfbu