Economic Study of Solar Power for an Office Building in Jask Port

Jamshid Khorshidi, Hassan Davari, Vahid Salari
2013 Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences  
In this research, the plan for providing required electricity of a small office building with an area of 120 m 2 , in Jask port in south of Iran, by using photovoltaic system was reviewed. At first, the amount of energy required for this building was calculated by studying the electrical facilities' plans of the building. Then, according to the estimated required energy, the design and financial estimation of solar electrical system was performed. Then, costs required for providing the energy
more » ... this building through electricity network has been calculated and in the end, economic analysis of the plan has been done by comparing these costs. The results of this research show that: if the distance between this building and the electricity network (A.C power) is equal or more than 500 m, setup of solar electrical system has less cost than providing the energy by the electricity network and photovoltaic system has 100% economic justification. If the distance between the office building and the electricity network is less than 250 m, the solar power system does not have economic justification.
doi:10.19026/rjees.5.5655 fatcat:dkhzq22kofh5fcs3bc5bjcrzoe