Rumen disappearance of organic matter, crude protein, crude fibre, ADF and NDF from grasses, white clover and grass-white clover mixture

W. Nowak, H. Kruczynska, M. Rogalski, A. Kujawa
1995 Annales de Zootechnie  
Disappearance of cell walls, organic matter and protein were studied using the Nylon Bag technique for grass, white clover, and grasswhite clover mixture. Three fistulated Jersey cows, weighing 450 kg ± 20 kg, were used for the experiment. Bags (100 mm x 210 mm), round base, pore size 46 mm and containing 5 g the sample, were incubated in the rumen for 3, 6, 12, 24 and 48 hours.
doi:10.1051/animres:199505161 fatcat:ihqankrdgfddnm5kpajnmqbg7q