A Systematic Approach for the Study and Analysis of Vehicle Dynamics Using Design of Experiments

M. Mohsen, H. Eltaher, A. Sharaf, S. El-demerdash
2015 International Conference on Aerospace Sciences and Aviation Technology  
Suspension system design plays an important role in improving passenger comfort and road holding capabilities of the vehicle. The primary function of the vehicle suspension system is to isolate the vehicle body from road surface irregularities as well as to control the body and wheel motions. This study presents the use of analysis of variance (ANOVA) in studying the effects of vehicle design parameters, such as the spring stiffness and the shock absorber damping coefficient on the discomfort
more » ... rameters which are the vehicle body vertical acceleration (Bac), suspension working space (SWS) and the dynamic tire load (DTL). The model presented in this study is a half vehicle model built in MATLAB/SIMULINK environment, and it is validated with a published work and the comparison shows very good agreement between the two models. Different values of design parameters are used as an input to the vehicle model, and the output data are analyzed using MINITAB 17 software program to plot the main and interaction effect between all design parameters and discomfort parameters. The results show that variation of both suspension stiffness & damping coefficient significantly affects the vehicle suspension working space, and have small effect on the front and rear dynamic tire loads. While, as the front suspension stiffness & damping coefficient increases the vehicle body vertical acceleration decreases for these two types of roads.
doi:10.21608/asat.2015.22934 fatcat:kowbxkxhwvbw7meubdfd43ieve