Response of two Cultivars of Mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) to Different Irrigation Levels

Muhammad Maqsood ., Javed Iqbal ., Khalid Rafiq ., Nadeem Yousaf .
2000 Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences  
Different irrigation levels had significant effect on plant height, number of fruit-bearing branches per plant, number of grains per plant, 1000-grain weight, total plant biomass, grain yield and harvest index. Cultivar NM-92 gave significantly higher grain yield (1059 kg per ha.) and harvest index (21.42%) than NM-54 which gave grain yield and harvest index values of 992.3 kg per ha. And 20.27% respectively. Crop grown with three irrigations (I 3 ) gave significant higher grain yield of 1248.8
more » ... kg per ha. Compared to the grain yield of 785.8 kg per ha. Obtained from the crop grown without irrigation (I 0 ) throughout the growing period. NM-92 raised with three irrigations (V 2 I 3 ) produced maximum grain yield (1295.1 kg per ha.) while NM-54 gave minimum grain yield of 754.8 kg per ha. When grown without irrigation throughout the growing period (V, I 0 ).
doi:10.3923/pjbs.2000.1006.1007 fatcat:fsg6ds3xibdkfetmr2hxc72fb4