Three-dimensional Thermal Imaging in Medicine

2017 Proceedings of 3DBODY.TECH 2017 - 8th International Conference and Exhibition on 3D Body Scanning and Processing Technologies, Montreal QC, Canada, 11-12 Oct. 2017   unpublished
The digital medical thermal imaging is valuable qualitative tool for detection of inflamed or necrotic areas, but it lacks the ability of quantification. The new 3D scanning system RoScan composed from robotic manipulator, laser scanner, color camera and thermal imager is presented, extending medical thermal imaging with possibility of quantification, allowing specific ROI selection and bringing higher thermal resolution in resulting outputs. It helps to solve the current problem of medical
more » ... tification, which permeates through the many medical sectors. The advantages of RoScan are demonstrated on sample experiment, which shows the benefits of proposed device.
doi:10.15221/17.232 fatcat:mqfec2l66rc5rpg75ahyjkpyr4