Fukushima Plutonium Effect and Blow-Up Regimes in Neutron-Multiplying Media

V. D. Rusov, V. A. Tarasov, V. M. Vaschenko, E. P. Linnik, T. N. Zelentsova, M. E. Beglaryan, S. A. Chernegenko, S. I. Kosenko, P. A. Molchinikolov, V. P. Smolyar, E. V. Grechan
2013 World Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology  
It is shown that the capture and fission cross-sections of 238U and 239Pu increase with temperature within 1000-3000 K range, in contrast to those of 235U, that under certain conditions may lead to the so-called blow-up modes, stimulating the anomalous neutron flux and nuclear fuel temperature growth. Some features of the blow-up regimes in neutron-multiplying media are discussed.
doi:10.4236/wjnst.2013.32a002 fatcat:gl5orvikcbbpjj2j7rkgmj2mja