Graphical description and run-time environments for Real-Time software

Sanjiv Taneja, Bruce W. Weide
1986 Proceedings of the 1986 ACM fourteenth annual conference on Computer science - CSC '86  
The STILE system (STructure Interconnectiou Language and Environment) provides facilities for graphically describing, and executing programs consisting of, communicating concurrent activities such as those found in real-time control software. A prototype graphical editor has been developed that allows STILE programs to be created interactively. The editor also can be used to generate a description of the attributes of the components of the graph and its interconnection structure. Two run-time
more » ... stems for executing identical STILE programs have been implemented and are also described --one for a multiprocessor, and one for a network. In each, processes are distributed over several processors.
doi:10.1145/324634.325390 dblp:conf/acm/TanejaW86 fatcat:y7jz5nokhrbenkcf2shkxz5vwa