Management Accounting in Pricing Decisions for Real Estate of Real Estate Enterprises in Vietnam

Pham Thanh Hương
2018 Accounting and Finance Research  
In Real Estate Enterprises (REEs), managers always have to make decisions while running their business in various forms. Among the manager's decisions on real estate business, the pricing decision for real estate is one of the difficult decisions for managers in the REEs. Pricing decisions for real estate are often strategic decisions, which play an important role for the existence and development of REEs. Thus, enterprise managers often consider this to be the most important task for its
more » ... ical mission and decisive factor of other tasks. This paper focuses on analyzing and evaluating the actual situation of Vietnam's REEs in making pricing decisions for real estate, then proposing some recommendations for improving the information system and pricing decisions for real estate making process for creating the highest economic efficiency for the REEs in the current market conditions.
doi:10.5430/afr.v7n4p35 fatcat:eignain3rjewjdolypvrwjrziq