Sink or Swim: Newly Qualified Secondary School Teacher Experiences in Challenging Contexts in Zambia and their Implications for Practice

2016 International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education  
Using qualitative data from a mixed methods study, this paper analyses the experiences of newly qualified teachers in an environment devoid of new teacher support. The findings show that newly qualified teachers in Zambia are not offered support. Usually inadequately trained, they often work in unfriendly environments. While induction and orientation are provided, meaningful support is usually limited. This article has established that schools are failing to provide conducive environments for
more » ... wly qualified teachers to flourish. Based on the findings of the study, the paper proposes the enhancement of support programmes such as mentorship. It is recommended that newly qualified teachers who have failed to meet expected standards should be provided with academic support to help them achieve competency even as they learn to teach. At the school level authorities should help the new teachers build a sense of commitment to a school and to the profession. Failure to do so has huge implications for the quality of education provided.
doi:10.20431/2349-0381.0311010 fatcat:ownehpw7h5ghda7boq6fg5dhha