TURBOTRANS: A Programming Language for the Performance Simulation of Arbitrary Gas Turbine Engines With Arbitrary Control Systems

J. R. Palmer, Yan Cheng-Zhong
1982 Volume 5: Manufacturing Materials and Metallurgy; Ceramics; Structures and Dynamics; Controls, Diagnostics and Instrumentation; Education; Process Industries; Technology Resources; General   unpublished
Senior Lecturer, nshanie o Schoolel with I nstitute Techn ol o gy, Cranfield of Technolo o gy, A generalized modular digital computer code-TURBODYNE-is shown to be a Shenyang, The People's Republic of China flexible easily coded high-level programming language for the steady-state and transient performance simulation of arbitrary gas turbine engines with arbitrary control systems. The configuration of the engine and control system can be simply described by using "CODEWORDS" corresponding to
more » ... various components and processes of both engine and control systems. TURBO TRANS is an analytical tool for performance simulation of gas turbine engines with their control systems. Its modular structure facilitates additional features when required. NO ENCLATU_tE s Laplace transform variable, sec -1 A area, m2 (ft2) T temperature, K AR area ratio TF turbine flow function = WV/P CN ratio of corrected speed (N/Vf) to design t time, s corrected speed u specific internal energy, J kg -1 (CHU lb -1 ) DH corrected enthalpy drop of turbine V lumped volume associated with component, )/T in ,J kg-1 K-1 = (H ie Hout (CHUlb -'K 1 ) m3 (ft 3 ) W mass flow rate, kg s -1 (lb s -1 ) E balance error variable WAG compressor corrected airflow = WV/P EB base value of the balance error X independent variable AE change of the balance error Y variable in difference equation G torque, N m (lbf ft) w angular speed, rad s -1 AG excess torque, N m (lbf ft) o angular acceleration, rad s -Z (HP)ext power extracted, W (H.P.) y specific heat ratio I polar moment of inertia of the rotor E weighting factor kg m 2 or N m s 2 (slug ft 2 or lbf ft sect) IT efficiency H enthalpy, J (CHU) SUBSCRIPTS AR change of enthalpy, J (CHU) amb ambient N rotational speed, rev/min P pressure , atm c compressor des design PLA power lever angle, degree hp high pressure PR pressure ratio in inlet R universal gas constant, J kg 'K -' (CHU lb -1 K -1 ) 1p low pressure out outlet sl standard condition at sea level t turbine thr throat
doi:10.1115/82-gt-200 fatcat:mo4gx6huonagzkz76545mhk4am