On-Chip Implementation Of Cascaded Integrated Comb Filters (Cic) For Dsp Applications

Rozita Teymourzadeh
2005 Zenodo  
This paper presents the design of CIC filters based on a low-pass filter for reducing the sampling rate, also known as decimation process. The targeted application for the filter is in the analog to digital conversion (ADC).The CIC is chosen because of its attractive property of both low power and complexity since it does not require multipliers. Simulink toolbox available in Matlab software is used to design and simulate the functionality of the CIC filter. This paper also shows how sample
more » ... uency is decreased by CIC filter and it can be used to give enough stop-band attenuation to prevent aliasing after decimation.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1239054 fatcat:l5tzwancvrezzn3p6ciijrr7d4