Effect Of Zinc-Copper Hydrochloride Mixed Crystals Application In Rabbits With Acute Experimentally Induced Fasciolosis

Veselin Nanev, Neli Tsocheva-Gaytandzhieva, Margarita Gabrashanska
2018 Zenodo  
Effects of zinc (Zn) – copper (Cu) hydroxochloride mixed crystals were tested on body weights, body weight gain, mortality, liver vitamins A, C, E, trace elements Zn and Cu and enzyme Cu-Zn superoxide dismutase. Investigated parameters were not changed significantly compared to controls in Zn-Cu hydroxochloride mixed crystals supplemented rabbits. Body weights and body weight gain were reduced, mortality was increased and liver biochemical parameters were decreased in F. hepatica infected
more » ... s. All affected parameters were increased near to controls after Zn-Cu hydroxochloride mixed crystals application in infected rabbits, so they may be used for restoration of disturbances from fasciolosis.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1489276 fatcat:xf5agy7kpbgunnhveusepml32a