Validation of the Korean version of Feedback Environment Scale for Students(K-FESS)
초중등 학생용 피드백 환경 척도(K-FESS)의 타당화1)

Jae-uk Kim, Won-Sook Sohn
2020 Journal of Curriculum and Evaluation  
The main purpose of this study was to validate the Korean version of the Feedback Environment Scale for Students (K-FESS). The feedback environment is a contextual aspect of the feedback process and the feedback-oriented culture influences considerably the learner's acceptance of feedback and whether they reflect this in their behavior. Nevertheless, there are few research related to the effects of the feedback environment in the classroom assessment of Korea. Therefore, in this study, we
more » ... ed the Feedback Environment Scale for Students (Steelman et al., 2004) , and validated it for use with elementary, middle, and high school students in Korea. We also investigated construct equivalence of this scale across the school levels. For this study, reliability analysis, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), correlation analysis, and multi-Group CFA were applied to check the psychometric properties of the K-FESS. First, the K-FESS with 23 items was accepted that only one item had been excluded from the original version through translation and content validation procedure. Second, the five-factor solution was produced by CFA and it exhibited good reliability and validity. Third, the construct equivalence of the K-FESS across the school levels was confirmed. This means that the K-FESS can be used as a common scale for all school levels. Fourth, the latent mean analyses revealed that the elementary school students had significantly higher feedback environment perceptions than those in other school levels. However the latent mean differences between middle and high school students were inconsistent across the subscales. Finally, implications for the applied use of the K-FESS in Korea are discussed.
doi:10.29221/jce.2020.23.2.203 fatcat:dimc2bn27bfgldd7sygzpo3jwi